
Sri Aravindar (1872 –1950) also called as Aurobindo, was an Indian Yogi. He was a spiritual reformer, mainly focussing his attention towards human progress and spiritual evolution.
Aurobindo studied at Cambridge, England. He was convicted and imprisoned for writing articles against British rule in India.
During his stay in Pondicherry, He believed in spiritual realization. In 1926, with “Divine Mother”, Mira he founded the Sri Aurobindo Ashram.

Aurobindo Ghose was born in Calcutta in a Bengali Kayastha family.
Young Aurobindo was brought up speaking English since his father believed British culture to be superior.
In Baroda, Aurobindo joined the state service in 1893.
He started taking an active interest in politics and participated in India’s independence activity movement. He established contact with Lokmanya Tilak and Sister Nivedita.

In Pondicherry, Sri Aurobindo dedicated himself to Spirituality. His publications were as follows:-
1.The Life Divine,
2.The Synthesis of Yoga,
3.Essays on The Gita,
4.The Secret of The Veda,
5.Hymns to the Mystic Fire,
6.The Upanishads,
7.The Renaissance in India, War, and Self-determination,
8.The Human Cycle,
9.The Ideal of Human Unity and
10.The Future Poetry
He started the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in 1926.
Anna Mirra and Aravindar
Sri Aurobindo’s close spiritual collaborator, Mirra, who was also fondly known as ‘The Mother’ by her devotees. She was a French national, and she went to Pondicherry and settled there in 1920. Sri Aurobindo considered her as his spiritual successor. When Aurobindo died in 1950, she took charge of the ashram and continued the spiritual work. Even now, a lot of people are worshipping her as their own god, and offering flowers to her, and distributing chocolates and sweets to devotees as prasadam.
Sri Aurobindo died on 5 December 1950. Lot of people attended his funeral to see his body. Several political leaders praised him for his contribution to Yoga, and for the independence movement. National and international newspapers commemorated his death.
Sri Aurobindo, who was a great freedom fighter and a spiritual reformer, was a great nobleman who has done only good things in his life. He never felt disappointed for any activity. He was firm in taking decisions, and he will take only the right decisions in his life. He was very much attached to Swami Vivekananda, and through his grace, his life has turned him to lead a spiritual life. Let us Pray to the Great Aurobindo for our well being and for the well being of the nation and be blessed.