Whilst praying, we try to make the best arrangements to appease the lords, but there are also a few precautions that we need to make sure of before we pray at the shrines at our homes.

If you light your prayer lamps with the Puja Samagri Floating Oil Wicks (Parsi Vat), then below are the few steps you can ensure everyday when you illuminate them.

1. Take care of satin clothes

Ideally, you should make sure that around the lamp and on yourself there shouldn’t be any satin cloth, as they can catch fire much easily.

The more important part of this tip is to make sure that the idols of the gods are placed at a safe distance from the lamps. This is because many dresses and covers for such purposes use satin material extensively. 

2. Light them with a candle

Often we use matchsticks for lighting up one or multiple lamps for prayers and occasions, and that usually isn’t the best practice for safety reasons.

The best way to do this would be to light the lamps with a candle, as you don’t have to be in a haste and avoid any sparking elements or burning your fingers in the process of it.

3. Avoid electrical appliances, switches, or dry furniture

Nowadays, we use many led lights and prayer audio machines and other such appliances close to our home temples and shrines. So we should keep in mind that our lamps are not close to such switchboards, wires, or devices to avoid any casualty.

Also, most temples are made of highly soft materials like wood and the likes, so we should check that the flame doesn’t touch the surfaces that can pose any harm.

4. Keep the sanitizers away

In these trying times, everyone is trying to be very cautious by using sanitizers and disinfectant liquids for surfaces at their homes. This can lead to such substances being around our lamps too.

As we all know that these substances are highly flammable, we should avoid them at all costs to be around the lamps.