Shani Peyarchi will take place when Lord Shaneeswara moves from one rasi to another. Shani Peyarchi is considered as an important one since Lord Shaneeswara is judging our good and bad karmas, and giving the results for that. Shani Bhagavan will stay in one rasi for 2 ½ years, before moving to next rasi. Ezharai Sani (7 ½ years) will cause good and bad effects, based on our karma. This happens to everybody in their life, totally for a period of 30 years in their life. [show_more more=”Continue Reading”]
From 26-10-2017, Shani Bhagavan’s transit took place from Virushika Rasi to Thanus Rasi. He will be there in Thanus Rasi for 2 ½ years. That is, up to 23.01.2020. Afterward, from 24.01.2020, his transit will change from Thanus Rasi to Magara Rasi.
According to the field of astrology, Lord Shani Bhagavan is considered as a god, who is giving correct judgment to the people, based on their planetary positions. His calculations will always be correct, and he never made or will make any mistakes, since he is a god. And whatever a person has to suffer, he has to suffer. But he will not make anyone to suffer continuously in their life. Sometimes, based on our pure bhakti towards god, he will reduce our sufferings to some extent and will give happiness and prosperity in our life. But he will not change our fate completely. He will give the withstanding capacity to face the problems in our lives and will try to reduce our problems as far as possible.
Thirunallar Temple(Lord Dharbaranyeswarar) is a famous temple dedicated to Lord Shiva and contains a separate shrine for Lord Shaneeswara. It is a must for us to worship them, especially during Saturdays. Apart from that, there are many other temples dedicated to Lord Shaneeswara like Kuchanur Swayanbu Saneeswarar in Tamil Nadu and other temples located all over India. Shani Singapur temple is a famous temple in Maharashtra, dedicated to Lord Shaneeswara.