When it comes to the products that we use for our daily prayers at our home, we always try to get the purest and the most effective ones, so that this peaceful hour goes by in sheer devotion.
Now, there are many stores for such products online and in-store but we often notice how they are either subpar quality or just not made with pure ingredients.
And one of those products is the floating oil wicks that we use for lighting the lamp. We need these on a daily basis and often prefer them to be long-lasting and of good quality.
But when you go and look at the market options – they’re either using adulterated ghee, wax, and other substituting elements that often give poor results.
This is when the oil wicks that you can buy from pujasamagrionline.com, come in handy. Not only do we guarantee their quality to be high – but in this article, we will also demonstrate how long they last, and their ease of use.
You can place the oil wick in the lamp, here we have used PSO’s handheld brass jyot. You can check out this quick guide of how to use these Parsi Vats and a little proof of their duration too.
Step 1 – Filling the lamp with any kind of oil.

Step 2 – Placing the floating oil wick in the lamp

Step 3 – Illuminating the lamp

We also started the time count to measure the duration of these wicks.

As you can see, the floating oil wicks can easily stay lit for over 7 hours!