Having Ladoo Gopalji in our home temples and shrines is often a very endearing and particular routine to have. Since we have the youngest form of Krishnaji present at our homes, we have to take care of them accordingly, fulfilling all their needs, like you would take care of your own child.

During the day time, we know the processes of bathing him, changing his clothes, feeding him bhog, and doing the pujas. But when it comes to the nighttime kriyas, we are often not aware of how to go about things, as it’s very different from taking care of other gods in our shrine. 

The process of making Ladoo Gopalji sleep is called Shyan Kriya, before indulging in it, make sure you provide him the bhog of some milk before he goes to bed. After that, you can start by taking off the shringar that is on their murti, apart from the dress itself.

Once the shringar is removed, you can remove the dress that he has been wearing in the day time and then put on some lighter cotton or wool dress, depending on the season. During this time, make sure you also remove any teeka or Chandan that you applied to Krishna Ji.

The final part is to put him to the jaali bed that is specially made for his protection from all kinds of disturbances. We have used the Puja Samagri Online Jaali bed that you can buy here. Make sure you offer him the milk at this point and leave it with him for a few minutes.

After bhog, make him lie down on the pillow and you can either sing Thakurji a lullaby or press his legs to help him sleep better. You can also leave his Padukas alongside his bed so that he can use them if he needs to in the middle of the night.